"Tim, we LOVE it! If I had any suggestion if would be to make it just a bit lower. The table raises the egg probably 3 or 4 " higher than the nest. I am thinking it’s probably the height of the casters, but that’s no biggie, once ya get used to it it's not gonna be an issue. I would recommend measuring the egg in a nest from the floor to the seal between the lid & bottom, then adjust the table height accordingly.
We took your advice on putting the egg in regarding one guy grabbing the ash opening and the other guy in the back. Worked out perfect and went right in.
It was GREAT meeting you, and I was fascinated by the shop. Thanks a bunch for cutting me a deal, I could not be happier. I WILL send some more biz your way. I did want to ask though, would you prefer I give them your email first and let YOU decide whether to pass out your number? Just let me know and I will work it however you like. Also, let me know if you want additional pictures. Different angles etc. and I'll be happy to send you some."
Thanks again,